2 days
16 Dec 2024
SGD 2,980.00 (excl. GST)
SGD 3,248.20 (incl. GST)
Mochtar Riady Building, Lvl 5, 15 Kent Ridge Drive, Singapore 119245
Audrey Teo
+65 6516 7802
GST shall apply at prevailing rates. More info.

Transform and Differentiate your Brand by Embedding Purpose in Marketing

In a world experiencing drastic environmental degradation and increasing socio-economic disparity, the call for brands to embed purpose into their marketing strategies is louder than ever. Governments, environmental and social activist groups, as well as consumers increasingly demand brands embed purpose in their entire marketing value chain.

From product design and development to packaging and distribution, companies and brands must strive to deliver value in an ethical, socially responsible, and environmentally sustainable manner. A clear purpose-led approach combined with transparency and authenticity builds long-term resilience and brand love.

Evidence shows that companies which embrace this approach in marketing can better differentiate themselves from competition and achieve profitable, sustainable growth. Purpose-led brands benefit from price leadership, stronger brand equity, advocacy, and customer loyalty.

Participants on this programme will learn to:

  • Align marketing strategies and engagement with social and environmental causes and initiatives that reflect their purpose and values, and that benefits multiple stakeholders
  • Integrate social responsibility and environmental sustainability in their marketing mix strategy, development and execution
  • Build and leverage the partner ecosystem to achieve the desired social and environmental outcomes on a sustainable basis
  • Evaluate the impact of their purpose-led marketing effort on their organization, brand, customers, communities, and the environment

Drawing from both global and Asian examples, this programme is designed to help senior marketers, as well as general managers with marketing responsibilities, navigate the challenges of embedding purpose in their marketing strategies in an innovative and sustainable way to drive business growth and brand resilience.

Core Focus
  • Understanding the rationale, evidence, and desired outcomes of purpose-led marketing
  • Developing a social purpose marketing strategy aligned with societal needs to which the brand can make a meaningful contribution
  • Integrating social responsibility and environmental sustainability in the marketing mix development and execution
  • Addressing social washing and greenwashing – avoidance and risk mitigation
  • Building and leveraging the social purpose ecosystem – collaboration with other brands, partners, NGOs, non-profits, and governments – to deliver maximum social and environmental impact
  • Establishing a framework for assessing the impact of purpose-led marketing on the organization and brand
Key Benefits
  • Effectively market and brand products and services in an environment of increasing ESG compliance
  • Understand and embed purpose in the marketing mix strategy development and execution
  • Build and transform brands to be more purpose-led, supported by a strong and consistent brand narrative and advertising
  • Learn how to collaborate and align the partner ecosystem to sustainably deliver purpose-led products and services
  • Be equipped with a framework to assess purpose-led marketing programmes and initiatives

Programme Director

prem shamdasani
Academic Director
The NUS Executive MBA

Associate Professor
View Profile

Senior marketers and business leaders who lead the marketing and ESG function, or general managers whom marketing leaders report to.

Date Venue (excl. GST) (incl. GST) Registration
16 Dec 202417 Dec 2024
Mochtar Riady Building, Lvl 5, 15 Kent Ridge Drive, Singapore 119245 SGD 2,980.00 SGD 3,248.20
Application Procedure and Deadline
  • Participants are strongly advised to apply at least 2 months in advance
  • Applications received after the deadline will be considered based on space availability

Sign Up for Two Programmes & Save

Enjoy significant savings of S$2,000 by combining the following courses with this programme:

Terms and conditions apply. Please refer to this information sheet for more details.