4 sessions
(Over 2 weeks)
28 Apr 2025
SGD 2,943.00 (incl. GST)
SGD 342.90 (after MAX Funding)
NUS Business School and Live Online (Blended)

Carol Wong
+65 6601 8172

GST shall apply at prevailing rates. More info.
This course is part of The NUS Executive Education Future-Ready Credits Series and is worth 2 academic units/credits. Learners can receive the corresponding academic units/credits for the course if they enroll in The NUS MBA/EMBA degree programme.

Learn the essentials of human resource and employment law in Singapore

This course offers a comprehensive overview of labour and employment laws in Singapore, while also providing some international comparisons, so that participants gain a wider perspective. The course aims to equip leaders, professionals and HR practitioners with the knowledge of legal issues that can arise in the employment context.

Areas of in-depth insight include:

  1. The distinction between employees and gig workers
  2. The intricacies of the contract of employment and making changes
  3. The validity of express terms such as non-competes
  4. The significance of implied terms such as confidentiality and non-harassment
  5. The various statutory duties, including those under the Employment Act, CPF Act, Retirement and Re-Employment Act, Work Injury Compensation Act and the Workplace Fairness Act
  6. The legal considerations surrounding termination and retrenchment

This course is essential for those tasked with managing human capital, ensuring that you are equipped with both the legal knowledge and practical strategies to navigate and mitigate legal risks that can arise in many different ways in the employment context.


About The NUS Executive Education Future-Ready Credits Series

The NUS Executive Education Future-Ready Credits Series offers modular courses specifically curated to empower working professionals with the opportunity to upskill while earning academic credits towards The NUS MBA or Executive MBA programmes. For details, please click here.


  • Introduction to Employment Law
  • Employment Contract Essentials
  • Express Terms in Employment Contracts (Non-compete clauses/liquidated damages clauses, etc)
  • Implied Terms in Employment Contracts (Negligence/confidentiality/IP, etc)
  • Assessment 1

  • Statutory Duties I (Employment Act/Child Development Co-Savings Act)
  • Assessment 2

  • Statutory Duties II (CPF Act/Retirement and Re-employment Act/Workplace Fairness Act)
  • Assessment 3

  • Termination & Retrenchment
  • Work Injury Compensation Act / Workplace Health and Safety Act
  • Employment of Foreign Manpower Act
  • Industrial Relations Act/Trade Disputes Act
  • Assessment 4

    By the end of this course/module, learners will have gained the knowledge and skills to:

    • Analyze and evaluate the types of legal issues that can arise in the employment context.
    • Strategize and implement necessary measures to mitigate such risks for the business

    ravi chandran s/o thiagarajah
    Assistant Dean (Undergraduate Academic)

    Associate Professor (Educator Track)
    Strategy & Policy
    View Profile

    Leaders, managers, professionals, executives in any organization, including Human Resource (HR) and strategy execution teams.


    This course is mapped to BMA5400B Special Topics in Strategy & Organization in The NUS MBA/EMBA degree programme, and will count towards reading it.

    Please note:

    1. Learners enrolled in this course are not permitted to take BMA5400B Special Topics in Strategy & Organization in the degree programme.
    2. Completing the course does not guarantee direct admission or matriculation to the MBA/EMBA degree programme. 
    3. All students are required to pay full MBA/EMBA degree programme fees regardless of the micro credits earned.

    Date Venue (incl. GST) (after MAX Funding) Registration
    28 Apr 202505 May 2025
    NUS Business School and Live Online (Blended) SGD 2,943.00 SGD 342.90
    Application Procedure & Deadline
    Participants are strongly advised to apply at least 2 weeks in advance.

    Preclusion / Prerequisites

    • Preclusion: For NUS students undertaking this course THEN must not read BMH5108 - Labour and Employment Law, GES1000 - Singapore Employment Law and Policies, GES1000T, SSB1204 - Singapore Employment Law, SSB1204T.
    • Should not have taken module BMA5400B Special Topics in Strategy & Organization in The NUS MBA/EMBA programme.
    SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) Funding Scheme for Singapore Citizens or Permanent Resident (PR)

    This programme is eligible for subsidies under SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG). Singaporeans or PR can enjoy up to 70% or more subsidies.

    *Click here to find out the details.