Enterprise Leadership for Transformation

9 months
SGD 32,700.00 (full fees, incl. GST)
SGD   1,110.00 (after MAX funding*)
Next Run
Mochtar Riady Building, Lvl 5, 15 Kent Ridge Drive, Singapore 119245
Yeo Wei Ping
+65 6601 1314


Enterprise Leadership for Transformation (ELT) programme by NUS Business School, in partnership with Enterprise Singapore, supported by HSBC and Linhart Group, helps leaders develop business growth plans that will take their enterprises to the next level.

Designed by CEOs and Academia for CEOs and Growth Leaders, the ELT by NUS series combines classroom learning with ‘doing’, right from the start. The programme comprises three integrated streams, weaving together learning that is relevant to SME’s growth learning needs, guided mentoring at every juncture to support the development of viable business growth plans, and peer learning from community events and market immersion in the region.

SME CEOs and Growth Leaders participating in these programmes will have the opportunity to learn from best practices, leverage their strengths, and build on growth ambitions.

Participants who commit to ELT by NUS journey will be applying the key concepts learnt to their businesses immediately in an iterative process with the guidance of expert advisors, constantly revisiting their business growth plans at calculated intervals – emerging with a viable business growth strategy to elevate their enterprise to the next level.


Key Benefits

  • A viable business growth plan that can be executed in the near term
  • Practical learning, adopting a LEARN-APPLY-FEEDBACK approach
  • Guided mentoring at group and individual levels by senior advisors
  • Peer-learning and cross-collaboration between businesses
  • Continuous networking, with up to 10 community and alumni events
  • Up to 2 in-market events for exploring international growth opportunities


Growth Learning Journey

Readiness Assessment
Workshop to initiate the Growth Learning Journey
Each themed module is structured as ~ 3x half days of practical learning, paired with mixed-flexi scheduling of guided mentoring sessions. Up to 10 Community events / Market immersion interspersed throughout the programme.
Business Strategy and Strategic Execution
  • Developing / Clarifying our BIZ Strategy
  • Different strategies for growth
  • Aligning / Executing our Strategy at Speed
Digitalizing & Transforming
the Business
  • People and Processes over Technology
  • Leapfrogging at speed
  • Leading Change
  • Vision, Mission, and Values
  • Aligning key stakeholders
  • Personal leadership effectiveness
  • Shared leadership
  • Generational transitions

ELT by NUS – Ready




Financing for Growth
  • Challenging the finances (building a financial dashboard)
  • Financing the challenges (looking at organic growth)
  • Paying for synergy (embarking on inorganic growth)
Growing Internationally
  • Regional & Global mindset & ambition
  • Finding & managing international talent
  • Risk Assessment & Mitigation
  • Build vs. buy vs. partner
  • Leveraging Ecosystems
Innovation to Drive Growth
  • Technological and Business Model Innovation
  • Lean Innovation
  • Building an Innovative Organization

ELT by NUS – Set




People to Power Growth
  • Attracting, Recruiting, Building a growth team
  • Retaining, Developing & Training our own
  • Motivating for performance and growth
  • Building new capabilities
  • Culture & organizational development
Up to 10 Community / Networking / Immersion events
  • Within 12 months programme duration
  • Up to 8 events in Singapore
  • Up to 2 in-market immersion visits
  • Cross-cohort (optional for alumni)
  • Guest / Industry / Growth Ecosystem engagement
For cohorts in session, must attend at least 30% of the events, with at least one in-market event, in order to complete the programme

ELT by NUS – Go


Faculty / Advisors

Programme Partner


Enterprise Singapore is the government agency championing enterprise development. The agency works with committed companies to build capabilities, innovate and internationalise.

It also supports the growth of Singapore as a hub for global trading and startups, and builds trust in Singapore’s products and services through quality and standards.


Further info: https://www.enterprisesg.gov.sg



For over 150 years, HSBC has been where the growth is, connecting customers to opportunities, enabling businesses to thrive and helping people fulfill their hopes and dreams and realise their ambitions.

We are the local bank with access to the international market. Globally, we serve over 40 million customers worldwide in over 64 countries, ranging from small enterprises focused primarily on their home markets through to corporates operating across borders. We help high-growth SME businesses leverage on our financing solutions to invest in growth, while products such as foreign exchange and trade financing that enable them to expand internationally.


Further info: https://www.business.hsbc.com.sg/sme

Who Should Attend

  • SME Founders, CEOs, and Growth Leaders
    • With desire and ambition for growth
    • With track record of revenue and growth opportunity
  • SMEs are encouraged to develop the SME growth team by enrolling its founder/CEO and 1 additional leader.

News & Media

Participant Experiences – Elogio Asia

Kim Yong (CEO) and Khim Chew (COO) shares the Elogio experience on the ELT programme.

Participant Experiences – Shing Leck Engineering Services

Lawrence Nah, General Manager of Shing Leck Engineering Services, shares his experiences and how SME leaders can benefit from the programme.

Participant Experiences – Cohort 2

Recent graduates from the ELT Cohort 2 share their programme experiences.

Participant Experience – TaF.tc

Discover the Enterprise Leadership for Transformation journey of TaF.tc’s senior management team, Nicholas Tan and Andre , and how it has helped them cope with the challenges of being young business leaders.

Participant Experience – Wanin Industries

Hear from Eugene Tan of the second generation management team of Wanin Industries Pte Ltd, and how the programme has impacted the way he leads and manages.

Participant Experience – Eastport Maritime

In this exclusive interview, Sharon Teo, General Manager of Eastport Group shares her journey of growth, and how it has transformed the organisation.

Participant Experience – Allied Container

A heart-warming story of SME owner and son, Lim Kian Chin and Lim Jing Gao, choosing ELT by NUS to transform their leadership and ensure continuity for their business established from the 1970s.

Change drivers: Enterprise Leadership for Transformation programme’s first batch graduates

Participants share their experiences attending the Enterprise Leadership for Transformation programme

Dates and Fees

Fees Excl.
Mochtar Riady Building, Lvl 5, 15 Kent Ridge Drive, Singapore 119245
SGD 32,700.00
SGD   1,110.00

* Programme fee is approximately S$30,000 per participant (before subsidies). Eligible business leaders from local SMEs can qualify for up to 90% funding of programme fees and additional subsidies under the SkillsFuture Enterprise Credits (SFEC) scheme.

The table below illustrates an example of fees payable for qualifying participants.

Funding Singapore Citizens (SC) / Singapore PRs
Full Course Fee $32,700 ($30,000 + $2,700 GST) $32,700 ($30,000 + $2,700 GST)
If participant is sponsored by SME 90% Course Fee funding for eligible SMEs Less $27,000 subsidy N.A.
Nett Course Fee Payable $3,810 ($3,000 course fee + $810 GST) $32,700 ($30,000 + $2,700 GST)
SkillsFuture Enterprise Credits (SFEC) Reimbursement of 90% out-of-pocket expenses after programme completion Less $2,700 SFEC subsidy
(for SFEC-eligible employers only)
Final Course Fee Paid $1,110 ($300 course fee + $810 GST) N.A.


Application Procedure

  • Participants are strongly encouraged to register their interest for this programme, before proceeding with applications
  • When submitting applications, documents required include:

    • UEN of company
    • Applicant’s details including NRIC and Citizenship information
    • Company’s financial statements from the most recent 3 years
    • CPF Form 90 with information for most recent 3 years
    • ACRA Bizfile (Within 6 months)
    • Applicant/s most recent resume/cv and other additional documents (Optional)

Note: Admission to the ELT by NUS is not guaranteed upon application. Applicants will go through a screening and selection process administered by Enterprise Singapore and the programme managers. Successful applicants will be invited to join the ELT by NUS.