1 day
27 Nov 2024
SGD 1,035.50 (incl. GST)
SGD 120.65 (after MAX Funding)
Mochtar Riady Building, Lvl 5, 15 Kent Ridge Drive, Singapore 119245

Carol Wong

+65 66018172

GST shall apply at prevailing rates. More info.

Maximising Online Display Ads

Digital media, websites, social platforms such as Facebook and Instagram, mobile phone games, are visited by billions of people every day. These platforms are now monetizing their ‘stickiness’ to earn advertising dollars through display banners, sponsored videos and more.

Through gathering and analysing consumer data, savvy businesses can learn to optimize their display advertising budgets to reach specific target markets on these platforms.


This course fulfils part of the Professional Certificate in AI For Excellence in Digital Marketing requirement. For more details, click here or contact us directly.

Topic Coverage

Topics covered include the following:

  • Online Display Ads Marketing Campaigns
  • Rise of Native Advertising
  • Contextual Targeting
  • Re-targeting
  • Creating Ads Campaigns
  • Ad Buying Mechanisms
  • Programmatic Advertising
  • Ad Networks and Exchanges
  • Privacy Issues in Display Ads
  • Estimating Return on Investments (ROI) on Display Ad Campaigns

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Who Should Attend

All individuals who are required to make marketing decisions, and have access to data, including: Marketing managers; Advertising professionals; Consultants; Business owners; Data analysts; Managers in non-marketing functions who wish to grow into marketing roles.

Date Venue (incl. GST) (after MAX Funding) Registration
27 Nov 2024
Mochtar Riady Building, Lvl 5, 15 Kent Ridge Drive, Singapore 119245 SGD 1,035.50 SGD 120.65
Application Procedure and Deadline

Participants are strongly advised to apply at least 2 weeks in advance.


This course assumes a basic level of comfort with Microsoft Excel. Participants should be able to import data, sort it, and perform simple functions such as addition, multiplication, division, and creating tables. Participants will be required to bring laptops to class, and to analyse data in class using Excel. All analysis in this course will be done using Excel.

SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) Funding Scheme for Singapore Citizens (SC) or Permanent Residents (SPR)

This programme is eligible for subsidies under SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG). Singaporeans or PRs can enjoy up to 70% or more subsidies.

*Click here to find out the details.