Showing 14 Results
Digital Marketing: Online Display Ads
Digital Marketing: Online Display Ads

Digital media, websites, social platforms such as Facebook and Instagram, mobile phone games, are visited by billions of people every day. These platforms are now monetizing their ‘stickiness’ to earn advertising dollars through display banners, sponsored videos and more.

Digital Marketing: Social Media and User Content
Digital Marketing: Social Media and User Content

Much of the online content about products and services is no longer controllable by the product owners but is instead, created by billions of consumers around the world. This creates both challenges and opportunities for marketers.

Expanding International Reach: Managing Risk and Opportunities in Foreign Markets
Expanding International Reach: Managing Risk and Opportunities in Foreign Markets

In today’s digital landscape, businesses are “born global.” This is a game-changer for micro and small businesses, as they can instantly access the global digital commons and leverage an infinite amount of resources– at little or no cost.

Forecasting with Statistics and Simulation
Forecasting with Statistics and Simulation

This intermediate business analytics course aims to provide you with:

Marketing Analytics
Marketing Analytics

With increasing recognition of the role of analytics in our economy, the demand for skilled data-analytics professionals is set to grow quickly.

Organisational Culture Change Begins With Me
Organisational Culture Change Begins With Me

The research is clear – organisations with strong and healthy cultures do better. They perform better economically, attract better talent and groom and retain the talent. This is the same for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) as well as multinational corporations (MNCs). Learn more about organisational culture and how as a leader, you can impact the culture of your organisation for the better.

Impact of Technology Innovation and New Business Models on Supply Chains
Impact of Technology Innovation and New Business Models on Supply Chains

Growing overseas require access to markets, capital and competitive differentiation. In the context of Asia, suppliers are usually much less technologically sophisticated compared to their overseas buyers in major world markets. As new technologies transform business models and automate business processes, traditional supply chains in sourcing, manufacturing, distribution and logistics are being affected, with clear threats of disintermediation.

Managing the Financial Supply Chain
Managing the Financial Supply Chain

This course will explore supply chain financing solutions to help SMEs acquire working capital and grow sales, through use of materials as collaterals for loans, or modes of receivables financing. Participants will also form teams to play a supply chain simulation game using Excel and online data entry. The game will require teams to make annual supply chain management decisions that will impact revenue growth, cost cutting, and/or risk management of the company, considering management trade-offs and both short-term and long-term profitability in coming with an overall strategic plan.

Singapore Income Tax for Individuals
Singapore Income Tax for Individuals

This short course aims to equip you with basic knowledge of individual income tax laws, principles and practices in Singapore:

Managing Service Quality
Managing Service Quality

Services (or intangible products) have increasingly become an important part of the world’s economy as organisations move up the economic value chain. Every organisation today offers some element of services or intangible products to add value, e.g. customer support, delivery, etc. As satisfied customers become loyal customers, great service quality management can become your organisation’s differentiator and competitive edge.

Monte Carlo Simulation for Finance
Monte Carlo Simulation for Finance

The Monte Carlo simulation is a widely used statistical simulation to deal with risks and probabilities. This course aims to get students familiar with the applications of Monte Carlo methods on the valuation of projects/firms, the pricing of financial derivatives, and the structuring of wealth management solutions.

General Management Programme
General Management Programme

Make a smooth transition into general management. This programme addresses functional areas such as corporate strategy, marketing, human resources, finance, accounting and operations.

Mastering Intelligent Automation (IA) to boost your business
Mastering Intelligent Automation (IA) to boost your business

Understand the importance and benefits of Intelligent Automation. Learn to succeed in managing an IA transformation and how to scale your transformation. 

Enterprise Leadership for Transformation
Enterprise Leadership for Transformation

Designed by CEOs and Academia for CEOs and Growth Leaders, the NUS Enterprise Leadership for Transformation (ELT) series combines classroom learning with ‘doing’, right from the start. Participants who commit to NUS ELT journey will be applying the key concepts learnt to their businesses immediately in an iterative process with the guidance of expert advisors, constantly revisiting their business growth plans at calculated intervals.