3 days
04 Dec 2024
SGD 4,190.00 (excl. GST)
SGD 4,525.20 (incl. GST)
Mochtar Riady Building, Lvl 5, 15 Kent Ridge Drive, Singapore 119245
Fallon-D Han
+65 6516 1037
*GST shall apply at prevailing rates. More info.

Sustainability and climate change are now issues that are moving beyond corporate lip service into real world business costs, challenges, and opportunities.

Leaders and managers with some familiarity on climate change would know of the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement. However, the details and business implications of these treaties may not be well understood by non-specialists.

Many corporates have set climate-neutrality / net-zero targets and will have to decide a pathway towards net-zero. In practice, corporates will need to make step-by-step decisions on the breadth and depth of their greenhouse gas emission reductions (direct, and indirect). They will also need to decide on the role of carbon credits in their transition period, and in their steady state (i.e. offsetting non-abatable emissions in the long-run).

This programme breaks down the issues, and will help participants to understand and to take advantage of climate change opportunities today, and in the near future.


Core Focus

Basics of Climate Change, Policies & Frameworks

  • Understanding Climate Change
  • Politics & Economics of Climate Change
  • UN Climate Framework
  • Climate Policy Instruments

Corporate DeCarbonisation Strategies

  • Fundamentals of Net Zero
  • Role of Verified Carbon Credits (VCCs)
  • VCC Overview & UN Legal Framework
  • Responsible Use of VCCs

High-quality credits and markets. Getting to Net Zero

  • Generating VCCs in the Real World
  • Deep Dives into the Quality of VCCs
  • From Project Quality to Price Signals
  • Connecting the Dots
Key Benefits

Making sense of the Global Carbon Market

This programme will equip participants to:

  • Understand the strategic business opportunities of a global carbon market
  • Leverage the global carbon market to help achieve climate goals in the public and private sectors

Programme Director

lawrence loh
Strategy & Policy

Centre for Governance and Sustainability
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NUS Teaching Faculty

alvin lim
Senior Fellow, Centre for Governance and Sustainability, NUS Business School; Executive Director, Head of Asia Environmental Products,Morgan Stanley
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johan sulaeman
Dean’s Chair

Associate Professor

Director of SGFIN
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linda yanti
Senior Research Fellow, APCEL
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Expert Speakers

stephan bognar
Sustainability Asia for Wildlife Works Carbon (WWC)
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jeffrey delmon
Senior Infrastructure Finance Specialist
World Bank
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ricky dengkayaphichith
Manager, Offering & Procurement, APAC, South Pole
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federico di credico
Interim CEO, CAD Trust
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pamela mar
Managing Director
Digital Standards Initiative (DSI) of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)
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liam marshall
Director APAC, BeZero
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mark glossoti
Interim Chief Executive Officer, Climate Impact X
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shruti singh
Regional Director
Climate Advisory, APAC, South Pole
View Profile

  • Chief sustainability officers and Chief financial officers (for ESG reporting)
  • Procurement professionals (of VCCs and related products)
  • In-house project developers
  • Private equity and other finance professionals (looking to invest in VCCs)
  • Lawyers, accountants and other service professionals focusing on Environment, Social and Governance issues (ESG)
  • Risk management officers
  • Public policymakers (to understand voluntary markets and possible overlaps with compulsory markets)

Date Venue (excl. GST) (incl. GST) Registration
04 Dec 202406 Dec 2024
Mochtar Riady Building, Lvl 5, 15 Kent Ridge Drive, Singapore 119245 SGD 4,190.00 SGD 4,525.20
Application Procedure and Deadline
  • Participants are strongly advised to apply at least 2 months in advance
  • Applications received after the deadline will be considered based on space availability

Alumni / Early Payment / Team Enrolment Benefits

All NUS alumni and past participants of NUS Executive Education are entitled to 10% alumni savings on this programme.

Alternatively, you can enjoy savings if you pay early with Visa or MasterCard:
> 45 days before start of programme: 10% savings
> 30 days before start of programme: 5% savings

Team enrolment benefits are also available, please contact the programme advisor for details.

Course Fee Funding

All self-sponsored Singapore Citizens aged 25 and above may use available funds in their SkillsFuture Credit account to pay programme fees; there is no additional course fee funding available for this programme.

Sign Up for Two Programmes & Save

Enjoy significant savings of S$2,000 by combining the following courses with this programme:

Driving Strategic Innovation
Leadership Development Programme
Strategic Management in Disruptive Times
General Management Programme

Terms and conditions apply. Please refer to this information sheet for more details.